Anne Barbara Howard
Anne Howard deals with all aspects of family law including:
* Pre-Marital Agreements: Protecting your assets
* Divorce: Child custody, support and property division
* Post-divorce: child custody, support, enforcement
* Post-marital agreements: Protecting your assets
* Guardianship
She offers these options to help you resolve your issues:
* Litigation
A judge makes orders over issues that parties cannot resolve. Generally litigation is more expensive than mediation or collaborative divorce.
* Mediation
The process by which self-represented parties avoid going to court and work together with an attorney to settle the issues involved in their divorce or legal separation. Mediation is generally cheaper than litigation.
* Collaborative law
The process by which self-represented parties avoid going to court and work together with a team of professionals to settle the issues involved in their divorce or legal separation. Collaboration is usually cheaper than litigation.
A legal process by which a legal marriage is dissolved by the court. Divorce can be accomplished through litigation, mediation or collaboration.
* Child Support
Monies paid by a parent to another parent or legal guardian to provide for basic necessities of a child. Child support arrearages cannot be discharged by bankruptcy.
* Child Sharing
The court may make orders regarding which parent is entitled to spend what amounts of time with their children.
* Spousal Support
Financial support provided to a spouse after a legal divorce or separation. California's public policy is that each spouse becomes self-sufficient to the best of their ability.
* Property Division
California is a community property state. The court generally equally divides all assets and debts acquired during the marriage, regardless of whether title is held in both names or not.
Post Divorce
Often changes need to be made to child custodial arrangements or child/spousal support orders need to be modified, enforced or terminated.
Pre-Marital Agreements
Agreement entered into prior to marriage regarding how property will be held during marriage and in the event of divorce or legal separation. To be valid, California requires each party have their own attorney and that the agreement not be unconscionable
The process by which a non-parent becomes legally responsible to provide for the health, welfare, and support of a minor child.
Law Office of Anne B Howard
5650 El Camino Real #285
Carlsbad CA 92008
Tel: 760 931-5437
Fax: 760 476-9257
