Barry W Ponticello
Areas of Practice
* California Workers' Compensation
* Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act
* Subrogation
* Civil Litigation
* Disability Retirement Hearings
* Employment-Related Issues
* Labor Code section 132a Wrongful Discrimination
* Serious and Willfull Misconduct
* Jones Act
* Workers' Compensation Medicare Set Asides
Our firm's practice is concentrated in the representation of employers, insurance carriers and administrators in employment related matters, including workers' compensation and civil litigation. We bring decades of experience to each matter, partnering with our clients to achieve the best result for each situation, either through litigation or resolution. Although covering some matters statewide, the firm's practice primarily encompasses southern California.
In addition to our litigation practice, the firm regularly prepares Medicare analyses, (WCMSA) Medicare set asides, CMS submittals, and is a member of the National Association of Medicare Set-Aside Professionals (NAMSAP).
Our attorneys are frequent speakers and presenters in the areas of law in which they practice. We update our news section as these appearances occur. Additionally, written materials and articles are periodically added to our site's publication section.
Barry W Ponticello
England Ponticello & St Clair
701 B St #1790
San Diego CA 92101
Tel: 619 255-6450
Fax: 619 255-8981
