Casey Gerry Schenk Francavilla Blatt & Penfield LLP - San Diego
San Diego Mesothelioma Lawyer-San Diego Asbestos Attorney
Our San Diego mesothelioma lawyers and asbestos attorneys have created this site especially for people who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma and other diseases caused by asbestos exposure. You and your family will find information about causes of asbestos disease, and about diagnosis, treatment, and the latest medical research and also about national organizations to help patients and families dealing with mesothelioma. A diagnosis of mesothelioma is a very serious matter, but medical advances offer increasing hope for asbestos victims.
You will learn more about asbestos in worksites, and the asbestos industry's fifty-year effort to suppress the facts about the lethal effects of this material on workers.
For more than a century asbestos was widely used in the United States in industrial applications for its insulating and fireproofing properties. Asbestos diseases including mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer arise from continuing exposure to airborne microscopic asbestos fibers. The most common sources of asbestos exposure are work in commercial and domestic construction, especially installing insulation, work in shipyards, and in service aboard naval or commercial ships. Even family members of asbestos workers were often exposed to levels of asbestos sufficient to trigger mesothelioma.
Since the 1920's, companies that mined and manufactured asbestos products knew that it presented serious health hazards for their workers. Senior company officers conspired to suppress that information, preventing workers, and even their own managers from knowing the dangers of working with this lethal material. Because of that conspiracy, workers with mesothelioma and other asbestos-caused cancers have important legal rights to compensation from the companies whose negligence and disregard for their safety has harmed them.
Asbestos cancers, like mesothelioma, are slow-growing. Symptoms may first appear as much as 15 to 40 years, or even more, after the initial asbestos exposure. By the time a mesothelioma diagnosis is established the disease may have progressed so far that the victim may not have much time left. Once a mesothelioma diagnosis is established, it is critical to move rapidly to file a mesothelioma or asbestos litigation claim, and press for a timely resolution. If you or a loved one has mesothelioma or another asbestos-caused disease, it is vital to secure an asbestos attorney who is experienced and knowledgeable in asbestos litigation.
The plaintiff’s citizenship or immigration status is not an issue in cases involving asbestos. Casey Gerry has represented Mexican citizens, Mexican nationals living in the US, and undocumented immigrants who have been harmed by asbestos. If the harm was due to unsafe materials and/or workplace practices on the part of a US manufacturer, Casey Gerry asbestos attorneys can pursue redress in US courts.
San Diego mesothelioma lawyer Frederick Schenk is a senior partner at Casey Gerry, the oldest personal injury law firm in San Diego, and he has practiced asbestos law and mesothelioma law for more than 24 years. Casey Gerry has advocated for injured workers and their families since 1947, and is nationally known as a leading advocate for victims of mesothelioma, an asbestos-caused disease. In 1996 Mr Schenk won the largest verdict ever awarded in an asbestos lawsuit in the County of San Diego. He was selected by San Diego Magazine as the best asbestos attorney in San Diego, and the Consumer Attorneys of San Diego voted him the Outstanding Trial Lawyer for that asbestos personal injury verdict. The San Diego Daily Transcript ranked him as one of the Top 10 lawyers in San Diego in 2005, and he is listed in Woodward and White's prestigious Best Lawyers in America.
Frederick Schenk works closely with a team of practiced mesothelioma lawyers, asbestos attorneys, and paralegals. Casey Gerry paralegals, some of whom have worked more than 20 years helping victims with asbestos claims and mesothelioma lawsuits, know how to obtain the essential documents that identify where and how the disease-causing exposures occurred. They work closely with Mr Schenk's asbestos clients and their families throughout the litigation and claims process.
Frederick Schenk and the Casey Gerry asbestos and mesothelioma legal team have helped thousands of people through the claims process and the trial process, to obtain substantial compensation for their clients from the companies that manufactured, installed and sold asbestos products throughout the United States.
If you or a loved one has received a diagnosis of mesothelioma or other asbestos-caused cancer, it is critically important to act quickly, so that vital information regarding asbestos exposure and medical care are secured. San Diego mesothelioma lawyer Frederick Schenk and his staff at Casey Gerry are dedicated professionals with decades of experience who can take prompt and effective steps to help you and your family through all aspects of the asbestos law, and mesothelioma litigation claims process.
Casey Gerry Schenk Francavilla Blatt & Penfield LLP
110 Laurel St
San Diego CA 92101-1486
Tel: 619 238-1811
