James Franklin Watts
Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Specialist
At the Law Offices of James F. Watts, we strive to provide superlative service in our main areas of focus: Estate Planning, Trusts, Probate, and Estate Administration.
* Estate Planning: Trusts and Wills
You work hard for your money, and nobody wants his or her hard earned assets to be consumed by court costs, taxes, and the occasional misguided relative who may seek more than his or her fair share of the estate. Many people think that when you die, your next of kin simply fills out a few papers and your properties and assets go immediately to whomever you instruct in your will, and that you cannot control what happens after that. This is, unfortunately, not the case. A will usually must go through probate (a costly court procedure), which can take months or years, and doesn't guarantee that your assets will go to whom you have bequeathed them. Not only must your estate pay for the court fees, accounting fees, lawyers, and other experts, but the estate is also subject to significant taxation, which can reach nearly half of the total assets. However, through the creation of a trust, we can minimize the taxes upon an estate after a death, avoid probate court, and set forth clear distribution instructions for your assets. We can create several different types of trusts for both married and unmarried individuals that can be easily tailored to your specific needs.
* Estate Administration
We know that while dealing with the death of a loved one, the last thing anyone wants to worry about is money. That is why we provide our expertise in either carrying out an existing trust or handling a will in probate court when no trust exists. Although it is possible for one to handle the administration of a trust without legal assistance, due to our extensive experience in this area, we are able to anticipate and handle problems that a layperson might not know how to handle (or even recognize). Also, by contracting us as a third party to administer your loved one's estate, the potential for familial strife is greatly reduced.
James F Watts ALC
11772 Sorrento Valley Rd #100
San Diego CA 92121
Tel: 858 481-2880
Fax: 858 481-2885
E-mail: jfwatts@trust4u.net
