James Martin Stern
- Vehicle crashes
- Dangerous products
- Falls
- Burns
- Brain damage
- Death

* Workers' Compensation

* Medical Malpractice

- Wrongful termination
- Age / race / sex discrimination
- Sexual harassment
- Disability / pregnancy discrimination

* Labor Law / Unions

* Education Law

Since 1983, the attorneys and staff of Tosdal, Smith, Steiner & Wax have specialized in injury and employment law - taking great pride in helping our clients use the law effectively to respond to tragedy or trouble. Our firm's seven (7) attorneys are assisted by ten (10) dedicated, capable and compassionate staff members devoted to helping achieve the best outcome for you.

James M Stern
Tosdal Smith Steiner & Wax
401 West A St #320
San Diego CA 92101
Tel: 619 239-7200
Fax: 619 239-6048
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