* Divorce
* Legal Separation
* Mediation
* Child and Spousal Support
* Custody and Visitation
* Property Division
* Domestic Partnership Termination
* Protective Orders
Our firm is committed to providing proactive representation and personalized service to lead you through the maze of the family law system. We represent husbands, wives, mothers, fathers and domestic partners in all aspects of family law including:
* Litigation:
Litigation is a court-centered system. Generally, each party has an attorney, but it is not required. If the parties cannot reach an agreement, the Court makes the final decision.
* Mediation:
Couples wanting to mediate their divorce, partnership termination or simply want to modify custody and visitation orders; meet together with an attorney to explore an amicable resolution to their matter. However, the attorney does not represent either party.
* Divorce:
Divorce terminates your marital status, such that you will be restored to the status of a single person.
* Legal Separation:
Lefal separation is a process whereby the parties divide all of their assets and debts and set support orders as necessary, the same as if it were a divorce case. However at the end of the process, the parties' marital status is not terminated, meaning they remain legally married. Some people choose to be legally separated for tax, health care and religious reasons. In addition, persons may request a legal separation if they do not meet the residency requirements for the State of California and County of San Diego.
* Custody and Visitation
When children are involved, the parties may ask the Court to make orders regarding how the parents will share time with their children. If a party asks the court to make custody and visitation order, both parents will be required to attend court ordered mediation, know as Family Court Services.
* Paternity
Paternity involves a case wherein the parties have children together but were never married. A parent filing a paternity case may request child support, custody and visitation orders and establish that they are the legal parent for the child.
* Property Division
As a part of a divorce or legal separation, the Court will make orders as to how the parties' property will be divided. Property can include everything from the family residence to the pots and pans.
* Domestic Partnership Termination
For those couples who have registered as Domestic Partners, the Family Court has the authority to make orders regarding property division, support, custody and visitation and termination of the Domestic Partnership.
* Protective Orders
The Family Court has the power to issue restraining orders forbidding all contact between parties in certain relationships, i.e. married couples or dating couples.
Doblado Family Law APC
5650 El Camino Real #210
Carlsbad CA 92008
Tel: 760 579-0051
Fax: 760 579-0053
E-mail: kcd@dobladofamilylaw.com