Mark Allan Romano
Established by the California Legislature in 1914, State Compensation Insurance Fund is a self-supporting, non-profit enterprise that provides workers' compensation insurance to California employers at cost with no financial obligation to the public.
State Fund adjusters, professional loss control representatives, and industrial hygiene and ergonomics specialists are located in offices throughout the state. Our employees provide full services for employers and their injured workers and work to keep costs down. More than 200 employer associations offer coverage through State Fund.
State Fund has become a model for the industry and other states by stressing stability, offering coverage at cost, and providing required benefits promptly and fairly. Today's emphasis on customized loss control services, medical cost management, and anti-fraud efforts has found a ready audience among California employers looking to get the maximum value for their workers' compensation dollar.
Mark A Romano
State Compensation Insurance Fund
10105 Pacific Heights Blvd - 3rd Floor
San Diego CA 92121-4246
Tel: 619 813-5155
