Merwyn Jay Miller
* Comprehensive Estate Planning
* Living Trusts
* Estate & Gift Taxes
* Probate
* Business Succession
* Asset Protection
* Medi-Cal/Medicaid
* Conservatorship/Guardianships
* Estate Administration
* Elder Law
Is your financial and legal house in order? Does it have a solid foundation based on sound planning principles? Remember the old shop-worn, but true saying: Most people do not plan to fail...they simply fail to make plans.
What legal plans have you made in the event of your incapacity or death? Whom have you appointed to see that your financial and legal affairs are managed according to your wishes? Have you minimized your exposure to federal estate taxes? Would your financial legacy be protected for and from your loved ones? Have you remembered your favorite charities in death as in life?
ABOUT LIVING TRUSTS is hosted by the Law Offices of Merwyn J. Miller, as your online resource center to help you explore these key issues, and others, regarding your estate.
Law Offices of Merwyn J Miller
191 Calle Magdalena #270
Encinitas CA 92024
Tel: 760 436-8832
Fax: 815 346-5375
