Peggy Lee Moore
* Alternative Dispute Resolution
* Divorce Arbitration
* Divorce Mediation
* Child Custody and Visitation
* Child Support
* Cohabitation Agreements
* Community Property Division
* Conservatorship
* Contempt of Court (Family Law)
* Divorce
* Domestic Violence/ Restraining Orders
* Estate Planning
* Guardianship
* Marvin Action
* Name Change
* Palimony
* Paternity
* Post Divorce Modification
* Postnuptial Agreements
* Premarital Agreements
* Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)
* Separate Property
* Separation Agreements
* Spousal Support (Alimony)
* Visitation
Moore, Lewis, Schulman and Moore is a mid-sized San Diego Coastal firm dedicated to providing excellent client service. We can help you in many areas including: Family Law, Mediation, Wills, Trusts, Estate Planning and Alternative Dispute Resolution, among others.
Peggy L Moore
Moore Lewis Schulman & Moore LLP
12636 High Bluff Dr #200
San Diego CA 92130
Tel: 858 755-3300
Fax: 858 755-3387