Terry Patrick McNiff
* Alternative Dispute Resolution
As a trained and experienced mediator and negotiator, Daniel V. Burke is committed to alternative dispute resolution. A trained and experienced mediator helps you make informed, practical decisions in a comfortable confidential setting. Mr. Burke has extensive legal knowledge of the divorce process and has extensive experience in negotiation, counseling and mediation. This combination brings multiple disciplines and experience to the setting for your use and advantage.
* Arbitration:
Arbitration offers the advantage of resolving your family matters confidentially, privately, and finally.
* Mediation:
Mediation offers the advantages of resolving your family matters confidentially and efficiently by agreement with the assistance of an experience professional to guide you through the pitfalls, cooperatively and peacefully. Find out more at edivorcemediation.com
* Negotiation:
Negotiation allows parties to resolve family matters at the lowest expense and delay where both parties are committed to resolving their family matters.
* Litigation:
The Law Office of Daniel V. Burke will apply all of its expertise and resources to present your case to the Court in its most favorable light.
* Private Judging:
Private judging offers the advantage of using experienced professionals for all methods of resolution of family matters.
Terry P McNiff
Law Office of Daniel V Burke
2755 Jefferson St #1
Carlsbad CA 92008
Tel: 760 434-3330
Fax: 760 434-4958
E-mail: tmcniff@dburkelaw.com
