William Winfield Brown
Criminal Defense - Certified Specialist in Criminal Law
Facing criminal charges requires immediate attention from an experienced criminal defense attorney. Whether you need drug crimes defense, are under investigation for a white collar crime, or have been involved in a RICO violation or international crime, we can provide the serious defense you need to protect your rights and liberties.
Contact our offices to schedule an initial consultation with a Certified Criminal Law Specialist who can help you with your criminal matter including the any of the following:
1. Federal Grand Jury Subpoena: If you have been subpoenaed in a federal grand jury hearing, you may be a target of investigation. We can protect your rights in any investigation to prevent a future indictment.
2. Drug Trafficking and Importation/Asset Forfeiture: Drug trafficking and importation is a serious offense that can lead to jail time and asset forfeiture. We can help you protect your rights, your family and your security in a drug crimes case.
3. Money Laundering: Many innocent persons can end up facing money laundering charges. You may not have known that a business was involved in criminal activity. You may be facing RICO charges as well. We can provide you with the serious defense you need.
4. Public Corruption: Our firm has represented persons involved in some of the most high-profile public corruptions scandals in San Diego history. Whether you are a public official, police officer or staffer, we can provide the defense you need to protect your rights.
5. Conspiracy: A conspiracy charge involves crimes committed by one or more persons. We will fully investigate your case to protect your rights and prevent you from facing conspiracy and other underlying charges.
6. Cyber Crimes: Internet law crimes can involve serious penalties and require experienced representation to address this ever-changing area of law. We can represent you in a fraud, identity theft, pornography or other Internet crime case.
7. RICO: We have experience aggressively defending clients in RICO violations cases involving organized enterprises and racketeering allegations. We can assert your rights and protect your future and reputation.
8. International Crimes: We are experienced with extradition, drug trafficking, alien smuggling and other international criminal matters. When you need experienced defense, our lawyers have the legal and international experience to protect your rights.
9. White Collar Crimes: We routinely represent clients in fraud cases, business crimes including embezzlement, identity theft and a host of other white collar crimes. Turn to us to protect your rights, financial security and reputation.
Brown & Associates APC
Emerald Plaza 20th Floor
402 W Broadway #2010
San Diego CA 92101
Tel: 619 501-4242
Fax: 619 374-2336
E-mail: baoffice@brownassociateslaw.com
